Joshua Lue Chee Kong Stay at Home 1 - 31 July 2021
Stay at Home is a personal series of my life living under the lockdowns implemented by the Ontario government that began in March 2019 and is still ongoing at this time of this project. These photos were all taken within my house, filled with the memories and objects I have accumulated over the last two and half years as a temporary resident in Toronto. With the onset of restrictions of daily life, social interactions and travel due to the pandemic have manifested feelings of nostalgia created from these lost connections. Being a temporary resident, I became homesick while being stuck at my home in Toronto, living with bits and pieces of a past life before Covid 19. Each object brings back memories of family gatherings, reminders of Trinidad, and the emotional struggles that the pandemic had on my body. Within the feelings of emptiness and nostalgia, there is hope for a better life even though we can’t see it at the moment. Joshua Lue Chee Kong is a Trinidadian artist and designer based in Toronto, Canada. In 2020, Joshua graduated from OCAD University, Toronto, with a degree in the Interdisciplinary Master’s in Art, Media and Design. His explorations of home, longing and belonging that interrogates ideas of multiculturalism and assimilation. In particular, the representation of the Chinese in the Caribbean culture and its diaspora. Currently, he is exploring how stories of creolization can be told through technology like 3D printing and scanning. Joshua’s work has been exhibited in the USA, Canada, the UK and the Caribbean, including Circles and Circuits exhibition in Los Angles and Recollections in London. In 2017 he was awarded a British Council grant for the Trans-Atlantic artist residency at Delfina Foundation, London. He has also received a Reed Foundation grant for a month-long residency at the Vermont Studio Center.
刘贵強 滞留在家 1 - 31 July 2021 滞留在家是一个我个人的关于我在安大略省政府实施的在家隔离政策之下我的生活的的系列,这个政策在2019年三月开始,在我做这个项目的时候这个政策还在继续。这些照片是在我家里拍的,充满了我在多伦多的过去两年半内作为一个临时居民积累的物品和回忆。自从日常生活的限制的开始,我开始对社交,旅行,和对失去的那些关系产生怀念。作为一个临时居民,回忆着新冠病毒之前生活的点点滴滴,被限制在家使我产生了思乡之情。每一个物品都让我回忆起家庭聚会,特立尼达拉岛,和我在疫情期间精神上的挣扎。在感觉到空虚和思乡的同时,隐藏着对未来更好生活的希望,虽然现在暂时我们看不到它。
刘贵强是一位来自于特立尼达拉岛,目前住在加拿大多伦多的艺术家和设计师,刘贵强毕业于多伦多的安大略艺术与设计学院的艺术媒体和设计跨学科硕士学位。他对家庭,期望和归宿这些概念进行探索,从而对多元文化和文化同化进行了审问。尤其关注加勒比地区文化中对移居的中国文化的代表和体现。目前,他正在通过3D打印和扫描的科技来探索讲述克里奥尔化的故事的方式。刘贵强的作品已经在加拿大,美国,加勒比地区,和英国进行过展览,包括洛杉矶的Circles and Circuits展览和伦敦的Recollections展览。在二零一七年他获得了英国文化委员会授予的伦敦的德尔菲纳,跨大西洋艺术家基金会的资助。他还得到了里德基金会的资助,获得了在沃尔忙中心长达一个月的驻地资格。