MOCA invited New York based critic Koan Jeff Baysa to select an artist for our October program. We were extremely pleased to present new works by Lejman, born in 1969, in Gdansk, Poland . The works presented were Status (1 hr with time-code) Acrylic on canvas, video projection, 2005, Tate Modern, Video mural, 2003 and Screensaver (Museum Juggler), Video loop, 2005
Lejman graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts before attending the Royal College of Art, London. Lejman’s work features actual paintings with video projections onto them, video frescos and photo wallpapers. He has been exhibited around the world including, 2003 Prague Biennale, After the Wall, at the Moderna Museet, Stockholm and Museum Ludwig, Cologne, as well as in the UK and US.
“Dominik Lejman is a rising star among the ranks of talented young artists. Layering new media with two-dimensional works, he assembles images that allude to abstraction, kaleidoscope and fractal imagery, drawn from direct recordings of crowds, marathons, and surveillance sites. He combines acrylic paintings with video performances, and has staged spectacular large-scale photographs re-placed in situ as startling trompe l'oiel. Immateriality and the environment that houses it is at the core of Lejman's work. Visual imagery is disembodied into pure information, which is itself subject to the environmental parameters in which it is being read: ambient variables like temperature, humidity, ventilation, lighting, and volume. His works question the fundamental understanding of how the human brain assembles images.”