'Fugitive' an Installation by Caroline Wilkinson 22 September - 23 October 1993
Caroline Wilkinson’s installation ‘Fugitive’ required much of the viewer, concentration, observation and patience. Visitors entered a very dark blue space and it to some time for their eyes to get used to the blue darkness. Once their vision was heightened, the subtleties of the work started to appear. Off to the left was light coming from above though it too was blue. Wilkinson had installed blue glass over the clear street glass squares that usually let light into the space, and to the right at the back side windows she had installed blue filters creating a different type of light with a different temperature. The final light sources were two small candles, one inserted in a wall and set behind blue glass so its glow was muted, and another that lit a ticking clock mechanism. If the viewer persisted, the fugitive nature of time could easily be seen to fill the space and possibly overwhelm them. Museum of Installation, 33 Great Sutton Street, London EC1 Fugitive 22 September - 23 October 1993 Installation : cobalt glass, lighting filter gel, graphite, wall incisions, clock mechanism, perspex shelf, 2 tealights Documentation: Edward Woodman Angle-grinding: Jeff Harold Perspex shelf and graphite: David Wilkinson